Traditional Marketing VS Digital Marketing


Product or Service will not be accepted by the people till they know about  the product or service. The manufacturer or service provider will not get any retailer, dealer, wholesaler or consignment & forwarding agent till people will be aware of the product or service. So how will people know it? obviously through advertisements. Its may be through news paper advertisement, hoarding, leaflets distribution and better through  TV advertigesement by selibrety. And also it should be done in advance before production starts. You know about VIVO & OPPO mobile devices. They start advertising 2 years before the mobile comes in the market. There are two types of marketing systems: one is traditional marketing and other is digital marketing. Traditional marketing is expensive but more efective and high reach to the targeted genarel people. Marketing is fundamental in a business, as it helps obtain people’s attention. Traditional marketing has been evolving for ages, while digital marketing just got in a few years ago. Traditional and digital marketing are very different from one another. Although they both have few similarities, they both are unique in their own field.

The research shows that in 2023 January 467.0 million general people are using social media i.e about 99% of people are using social media. If we build our digital marketing ecosystem then we can reach 99% of people. It is hell & heaven diference. so all business men should build their marketing ecosystem to reach their business 10x.  

There is 12 compairison factors between Traditional & Digital marketing

2ConversionSlowExtremely fast
3EngagementIowRelatively High
4DefinitionIt is one type of marketing that utilises TV, or magazines to advertise any business’s services and product.It is one type of marketing that uses the internet and social media for advertising business.
5ROINot easy to measureSimple to measure
6Effectiveness More expensive less effectiveLess expensive more effective
7Reach Local Global 
8Targeting Standarised Customized 
9Tweaking Not possible once the advertisement plcedOne can can change or edit anytime
10Result Shlow Quick 
11Communication It is mostly one way communicationIt is two way communication 
12Interruption It is not easy to skip the advertisements, as they are bound to the usersOne can easily skip between advertisement if it doesn’t interest them 

What is Traditional Marketing ?

Traditional marketing encompasses the marketing methods that can be used without the internet. These are the methods that have been around for decades and are typically used less often now. 

Newspaper or magazine ads

Common traditional market methods include:

Directly mailed postcards, coupons, and informational packets

Television or radio commercials

Billboards and fliers

Telephone calls and text notifications

We see and hear many of these ads every day just by listening to the radio on the way to work or even looking out the window at the billboards as we go by. They’ve become a part of daily life.

Why Traditional Marketing ?

Traditional marketing vs. digital marketing is always one of the most spoken topics. Traditional marketing is defined as marketing that does not need the internet for advertisement purposes. This method has been evolving for a very long time, for decades. However, due to technological advancements, its usage is very limited.

Traditional marketing is a very effective type of marketing if one wants to reach the older population. Many reports and surveys prove that people over 50s watch TV and read newspapers twice the time compared to the people in their 20s and 30s.

It is a very useful type of marketing if one wants to establish or develop a business or a firm with the assistance of a larger local audience. Small businesses grow better using flyers and billboards all across the street. It is because it can attain the attention of a local audience who reside in the city.

One huge advantage of traditional advertisements is that they get played repeatedly. But in digital marketing, people can skip them easily.

What is Digital Marketing

Digital marketing strategies evolve quickly because of trends and new technology.Common digital marketing methods include:

Website content

Email campaigns

Content marketing

Social media posts

Affiliate marketing

Search engine optimization (SEO)

These strategies are very popular today because of consumers’ frequent usage of the internet and mobile devices. According to DataReportal, there are 4.95 billion active internet users in the world and 4.62 billion active social media users. 5 billion video consumed every day,30 millions visitors per day,300 video uploaded to youtube per minute, youtube are available 76 language. It covers 95% of internet population, SEO after google youtube is the 2nd.With numbers that high, marketing online and through social media makes a lot of sense.

Why Digital Marketing

In this fast-moving world, a lot of new technologies have evolved. Digital marketing strategies are one among them. Nowadays, people can do marketing using the internet and smartphones from the comfort of their homes. These strategies are not physical, so they cut out the transportation, inventory, and other related expenses. 

Therefore, it makes so much sense to advertise over the internet rather than on any television or magazine.

It is simple to track audience involvement and collect their data for future use. It will enhance the algorithm of the company’s website. You can easily obtain the information when someone uses your site, follows you on social media, or messages you regarding queries.

Forms of Traditional Marketing

The following are some of the traditional marketing methods:

Television commercials: One method of traditional marketing is broadcasting advertisements using TV commercials. There are millions of ads that benefit due to this form of marketing.

Radio commercials: Radios played a vital role in the late 20th century. People who could not afford television opted for radios and CD cassettes those days. There are many different varieties of advertisements that could be broadcasted with the assistance of radios.

Magazine and newspaper ads: Newspaper magazines acted as one of the finest sources of obtaining information regarding anything. There are tons and tons of ads posted every day.

Telephone and SMS marketing: These mostly include phone calls and text messages of advertisements for various businesses and their services.

Forms of Digital Marketing

Social media marketing: Social media marketing is getting widely popular among the youths. Many businesses and startups advertise their work in the form of posts, videos, and stories on all social media platforms.

Email marketing: It is one type of digital market where businesses send electronic mail to the target audience.

Content marketing: It helps advertise in the form of storytelling to the users.

PPC – Pay-per-Click: These are paid advertisements. They only stay on the web for a shorter period. Once you stop paying, it will be gone.

Mobile marketing: Provides advertisements on smartphones, laptops, and tablets for the target audience.

SEO – Search Engine Optimization: SEO is the most common type of digital marketing used in many organisations. Its main objective is to show the business on the top while searching it on the web. 

Affiliate marketing: Includes advertising a product or a service with the help of a well-known influencer or a celebrity. The major reason companies do it is to improve their brand name.

Pros and Cons of Traditional Marketing

When comparing traditional marketing vs. digital marketing, traditional methods are often viewed as outdated or irrelevant. However, many of these tactics are still useful and effective today. 

Here are some pros and cons.


If you want to reach an older demographic, traditional marketing can be very effective. It has been reported that audiences ages 50+ spend almost twice as much time reading the newspaper and watching TV as compared to those ages 21-34. 

This type of marketing strategy usually works best for businesses looking to build a larger local audience. A small business would be better off competing for attention through billboards, flyers, and events rather than trying to compete for digital space against larger businesses..


Printing postcards to send out even to just a local audience can be expensive, and there is no guarantee that the recipient is interested in your business or the product/service you offer.

Traditional marketing methods can take weeks or months to yield results and data. You can’t tell when someone has read your newspaper ad unless they decide to follow-up. Even then, without a survey, you won’t know if the ad was the reason for the follow-up.

Pros and Cons of Digital Marketing

Digital marketing strategies are always evolving with new technology and trends like voice search and social media usage. These strategies include the most modern and latest tactics. But, as with traditional marketing, there are some areas where digital marketing thrives and others where it doesn’t.


Data and audience involvement can be tracked instantly. When someone clicks on a link to your site, reads an email, or follows you on social media, you have that information immediately. You can draw numerous insights from this data, including which type of content works best for a specific audience, which mediums are the most effective, and even what time of day receives the best engagement.

Digital marketing strategies incur a much lower cost. Sending out an email campaign can save a lot of money compared to printing individual postcards and paying for postage on each.


Some internet users have ad blockers, so they’ll never see pop-ups or banner ads. Other times, ads can be skipped or removed if a user pays for premium services (e.g., Spotify, Hulu, Twitch).

Because new technology and trends emerge so frequently, digital marketing tactics need to be evaluated and reevaluated for effectiveness continually. What works well one day may be irrelevant the next. However, this can be combated with a strong foundation in digital marketing basics.

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